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I am a musician who also likes to explore all kinds of art. Writing music to me is as it is writing books to the writer, creating an artwork to painter or poems to poet (you get my point). It's like breathing, something you know how to do and never really fully understand how it happens. I like to expresses myself through IT. That's why I love to explore and write in different styles of music. That is where HYBRIDITY comes in.


Words are such a strong tool. Every poem has its own meaning. That is why we cannot interpret all of them in the same manner. When I approach them I am looking behind its meaning and searching for its pulse, its life and then I try bringing it into a new shape for the listener to judge and decide whether it's alive or not. This is the reason I love writing music for voice, choirs,  combinations with instruments etc.

We are all living in such a colourful world, but we have become blind. Fortunately children still see all the colours of the rainbow no matter what is happening in the world around them, no matter the situation. When I was a kid, I decided I will never forget being a child, that is one of many reasons why I love writing music for children. With this in mind I decided to share this little piece of my being with you.

On the other hand chamber music has the power to present to me an interesting soundscape to explore and this concludes three main types of music I love to writing as a composer the most.


Besides writing and performing music  I also like to relax my brain in between with drawing  and painting, restorating old objects and making them into new ones. During my free time I like to knit,  embroid, make things out of weird materials, taking pictures of nature, travel ... All of these are a part of creative process and inspiration for my music.


Have I mentioned yet I love exploring? Because of it I am very fond of hitch-hiking and scouting. For many of skills I posses I have to thank the great sir Baden-Powell for the experiences, bad or good ones I had, and mostly to some of my dearest friends for encouraging me into pursuing music as my profession. All of them shaped my spirit and made me into who I am today.


On this site you can see/hear/read some of my creations and judge them for yourself. You are free to think whatever you want. If you find something that you like, then be amazed, if you find something that you don't, then you can loudly voice out a "boo". Every person has its own opinions and thank God for that! That makes us unique! Every opinion counts, good or bad. So, DO what pleases your  heart, because that enriches us, and that's good, because it makes us feel, be and form a culture of our own and be a part of this big world. When we feel good we transfer that happiness to others and that's one of the nicest gifts one can give to another human being! And if my work can make you think and feel however, then I made a little change. So, Carpe diem!

@Uršula Jašovec 2021

Izdelava spletne strani:  Ana Lasič

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