Uršula Jašovec started taking piano lessons at primary music school in Kamnik (prof. Martina Golob Bohte) and continued her music studies at SGBŠ in Ljubljana, where she graduated from music theory in 2006. In 2016 she completed studies at the Academy of music In Ljubljana from Music pedagogy, in 2012 she finished singing lessons at the primary music school in Kamnik (prof. Egon Bajt) and in 2015 Masters degree Summa cum laude from composition and music theory in class of zasl. prof. Pavel Mihelčič. This year she is finishing her master studies at the sacral department at the Academy of music in Ljubljana from organ in class of prof. Mario Perestegi. In 2018 Uršula became a member of DSS (Slovenian Composer's Society).
Her work was performed at World Music Days 2015, Emona 2016, KotorArt 2017, Inédits d’orgue 2017, Don Brankovi dani muzike, at the GML and EPK Maribor stage, RTV Slovenija, Brinjevka and FeNS festival, Revija Zagorje ob Savi, Sozvočenja, Naša pesem in Maribor, Vokal Total Graz, Glasbena mladina Ljubljanska - Prisluhnimo v Križankah, Europa cantat, Studio 14 RTV Slovenia, Linhartovo srečanje, Čufarjevi dnevi; in Croatia, Austria, Germany, Serbia, Canada, Montenegro, Ukraine, Italy and Texas.
Her music was performed by various ensembles and choirs, such as mixed choir Viva Brežice, mixed choir Veter, vocal group Rusalke, girls choir Gimnazije Kranj, Glasbena matica Ljubljana, Apz Tone Tomšič, APZ Vinko Vodopivec, Big Band RTV Slovenija, L’Ensemble Mruta Mertsi, KLK New Music Phoenix Ensemble, Kärntner Landesjugendchor, Texas University Female Choir, Feniarco mixed choir etc. Attended Gaudeamus Muziekweek 2013 in Utrecht, Donaueschinger Musiktage 2014 and 2015-New Generation, SWR Experimentalstudio, Matrix17 on tour, KotorArt 2017, Europa Cantat 2018 in Tallinn as a composer presenter and Young Composers Seminar in Aosta with Z. Randall Stroope, Master class in composition with Klaus Ager, Jana Andreevska, Gyula Fekete, Uroš Rojko, Vito Žuraj, Gilbert Nouno, Hans Tutschku, Detlef Heusinger, Joachim Haas.
In 2013 she received Gaudeamus Muziekweek in Utrecht scholarship which was given to her by BMS. In 2014 and 2015 she received Next Generation scholarship in Germany at the Donaueschingen Muziktage, where she broadened her horizons as a composer which lead to development of her style.
In 2012 Uršula received an award and a special mention of jury at the European Award for Choral Composers conducted by Europa Cantat association for her choir composition Vlak (The Train). In 2017 she received an award for composition “Za vasjo” for high voices by Glasbena Matica at the competition for arrangement on Slovenian folk tune. In the same year at the “Natečaj za uglasbitev pesniškega besedila generala Maistra” held by Matija Gobec she received an award and her two compositions based on Slovenian poet and war hero Rudolf Maister for “Sam” and “Ptičja romanca” got published in a book. In 2019 at the 1. slovensko tekmovanje samospevov spevSLAM she received 2nd place and special Glasbena Matica award for a new composition for voice and piano “Zadnja pesem je zame” (The last song is for me).
She as active as a conductor and artistic leader over a decade. In 2014 she coordinated 1st Slovenian acappella festival LaCappella for small vocal groups and choirs. In the same year she attended as an artistic leader, composer and a singer of vocal group Dotik in pop category at in Graz and received bronze award and silver award in 2016 with the vocal group Encore at the same competition in classical category. In 2015 at the Regijsko tekmovanje odraslih pevskih zasedb (Regional adult choir competition) as a composer and conductor she recieved silver award with mixed choir Drouz and golden award with special mention of the jury for her work and conducting in 2017 and 2019 with a special award for best performed folk song at the same competition.
She is active as a performer in roles of a composer, conductor, singer and organist. On many occasions she conducts her own compositions or is a part of it as an artistic leader.
In 2009 she conducted her own composition, a cantata Precatio Medici Iuvenis in Slovenska filharmonija (Slovenian Philharmonic) big hall which was written as a commission for choir and orchestra of Medicinska fakulteta v Ljubljani (Medical Faculty of Ljubljana) for their anniversary. In 2011 she recieved a commission by Glasbena šola Domžale (Music school in Domžale) for their 60th Anniversary for which she composed a suite “V duhu čiste melodije” (In a spirit of clear melody) for symphonic orchestra, choir and solist. The composition was conducted by composer herself in Franc Bernik hall in Domžale. As a commission of dance company “Plesni Epicenter v Ljubljani” (Dance Epicenter in Ljubljana) she wrote her 1st ballet for children “Plašček za Barbaro” (A little coat for Barbara), based on Vitomil Zupan’s story which she conducted to a chamber ensemble to in 2014 for the 100th Anniversary of Zupan’s birth at the Plesni teater and in Španski borci. This year she wrote music for a theatre play "Blaznost igre" on text by Nebojša Pop Tasić which got Matiček award at 58th Linhartovo srečanje and was also just performed at the 32rd Čufarjevi dnevi festival and recieved 1st prize. For the next season she is working on her 2nd ballet for children which will be premiered in march.
During her studies at the Music Academy in Ljubljana she was a coordinator and initiator of students concerts for composers, amongsts them 1st new-age concert of contemporary music Na(s)Proti, Pazi, spolzko! and WMD pre-concert in Trubarjeva hiša literature (Trubar’s house of literature) in Ljubljana.
In 2015 she organised and coordinated Nejc Lisjak a performance of well-known musical The Sound of Music, which lead to similar collaborations of such projects in a coproduction with Kulturno društvo Mlin and Kulturno društvo Ihan (Cultural Society Mlin and Ihan). In 2016 she was a music director of musical Annie, in 2018 of The Cinderella and in 2019 of Hello, Dolly!. All the musicals had multiple performances and were well spoken in media.
Last year she presented her work as a composer at a workshop on Europa Cantat festival 2018 in Tallinn. In 2019 she was a part of opera residency Opéra De-Ci De-Là where her short opera Douceur was performed under conduction of Anthony Heidweiler at the d’Aix-en- Provence Festival and Enoa workshop at Queen Elizabeth Music Chapel. In 2021 her team was picked in the final presentation of Enoa Opera Creation Journey at La Monnaie de Munt, as a composer presenter at Europa Cantat 2021 and was a part of Impuls Academy where three of her works were also performed.