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Grajske zgodbe 2022

Ursula Jasovec

A piece that was written over the night, literally.

When things are tight in schedule, more new things need cram into, but when you have time, there's silence. And so it was also the case this time. I got a call from a conductor of De Profundins choir to write a new piece on a lyric from old Slovenian folktales about castle life of medieval Slovenia. Mine was about a lady and a beggar. A story is quite bitter so I will not explain it here, but the process of writing a piece for choir on these story was a one where music became to be quickly. I loved how the conductor had a clear vision of a concept, how she explained the story and background to me in detail and her enthusiasm came all over me so it was quite easy to write the piece "Grajska gospa in berač" (A court lady and a beggar).

Seeing and hearing a piece performed by beautiful voices of this choir in beautiful castle settings all over Slovenia, despite driving in narrow roads on a rainy night, was an experience one doesn't forget.

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